

*phone beep* *open message from Irfan*

We’re going to start the internship next Monday” –which means 2 days to go.

Speaking of my internship… There are 3 things I love: I love any activities related to airport and plane, I’ve always interested about marketing, and I’m going to meet real people dealing with real business. Watta combo!

I’ve been waiting for this moment to come. Picturing the activities during the internship always got me excited. Watching The Internship made me can hardly wait to start the internship. However, the closer it got, the more nervous I felt.

Day 1. Monday, 24 February 2014

 "You never get a second chance to make a good first impression" –Will Rogers

Yes, First day is important to show the good first impression to my temporary colleagues for the next one and a half months. Hence, I dressed well and tried to always giving good and confident response whenever someone tries to have a small talk with me. My first day being an intern in Angkasa Pura 1 was interesting yet challenging. Why was it interesting? Surely everyone can guess it….mostly people are always interested to start something new…include me. Why was it challenging? Here’s the story:
Irfan and I arrive around 8am and went straight to the Human Capital Department. We went to Commercial and Sales Department –the department I chose to do the intership- and waited to meet the Department Head. An hour..two hours..three hours… nothing changed.  We just had some occasional convo with the staff and Section Head that passed us by. Lunch break..nothing changed. Accidentally, the Department Head had photo session with the airport magazine so we had to wait for another hours.
Finally, we got the chance to meet the Department Head at 2:30pm after waiting for hours. He was nice and very helpful.*relieved*. Next, we were introduced to the staff of the section we’re going to do the internship in. Irfan’s is Aviation & Cargo Section and mine is Retail Section –both are the part of Commercial & Sales Department of Angkasa Pura 1, Juanda International Airport Surabaya branch. Luckily, I have had know one of the staff in Retail section, Mas Agung, so no more introduction. Mas Agung was the one who introduced me to the other staffs of the Department. Some of them even came to me and introduce themselves…include the section head, Mr.Priyantoro. What made me even happier is that Mas Agung told me that Mr.Toro is the best section head he ever worked with.*dance*.
I end the first day happily with a list of new names that I should memorise ASAP. Watta great first day!

Day  2, Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Let me explain a bit about Retail section. Basically Retail section is dealing with companies that will / have already opened their tenants in Juanda International Airport terminals –both T1 and T2. It’s quite similar with Food and Beverage section. It’s just that Food and Beverages section is handling all the tenants that sell foods which cook on the spot, that Retail section is handling all the tenants beside that, such as tenants that sell packaged food-gift shop, garments, tech and bookstores.
I came that day with a smile on my face to everyone because I was excited to start the day. Then there came Mas Agung and he was like “Suzan, we are going to held a meeting with Bogajaya Group due to contract extension. Can you join the meeting?” and I was like “absolutely!”. At first I thought that there will be some staff and section head of Retail Section…yet it end up with The Department Head of Sales and Commercial, staff and section head of Food & Beverages, SMS, Retail and last but not least, the owner and team from Bogajaya Group.
The meeting was so interesting that I gained loads of new info that enrich my knowledge. There were many negotiations between Angkasa Pura and Bogajaya Group for the price adjustment due to contract extension. I once had Business Simulation class but the fact is that the real negotiation is a far cry compared to the class. Real people, with the real money, in the real business world. I felt so lucky to get the chance to join the meeting. I couldn’t wait for another meeting *grin*

Second day was even greater than the first day. Watta day!

Day  3. Wednesday, 26 February 2014

*Sad Face*
-Irfan didn’t show up so I was the only intern in the room.
-Had lunch by myself at the T1.

*Happy Face*
-I got 20% discount at the café because of the ID I hold. Yes, I was considered as “insider” of Angkasa Pura, and as insider, I got 20%.
-I knew more people.
-Gained new knowledge about the aviation system in Indonesia by a stranger-I-hardly-know.
-By the end of the day, there came Bu Anita out from nowhere bringing dozens of Dunkin Donuts because it was her birthday. Me? I got half dozen. Yeay!

Happy tummy, happy life!

Day  4. Thursday, 27 February 2014

 *happy face only

-Irfan showed up
-Move to new cubicle which made me get the chance to know more people
-Handling the invoice from Food & Beverages so I gained more knowledge from other section
- Extra lunch and lunch break time.
Irfan and I could grab some Manado food for lunch. Actually we came back late from the break but than we found that nobody’s there, so Irfan and I decided to meet our friend who’s waiting for his flight at T1 instead. We came back around 2pm and smelt something delicious once we entered the room. AHA! There are 4 big pans of Pizza Hut, and they were like “hey Suzan, hey Irfan, come here and grab some Pizza.!” Pizza. Hhaha yeah we got Pizza for Extra Lunch. 
Again.Happy Tummy, Happy Life!

Day  5. Friday, 28 February 2014

Wearing Batik every Friday

TGIF! Oh Yeah it’s Friday. I suppose to be happy….because IT’S FRIDAY. Unfortunately I felt a bit sick because I could hardly sleep the night before due to the thunderstorm. First. I woke up a bit late. Second. I was being such a lazy sleepyhead. Third. I was late for the morning exercise at the office. So I decided to take a day off –yes, the Section Head is so kind that he allowed an intern to take a day-off if s/he feels sick.
It was around 8pm when Irfan texted and persuaded me to cancel my day-off and go to the office instead. Yes, Friday is different compared to other weekdays: people just doing some not-so-serious jobs, everyone is in slow and relax mode..and that’s why Irfan persuaded me to come even if it was already late. I’ve always HATE to come late..yeah punctuality..but that day was different. I decided to go to the office instead and found that many of my colleague were still wearing their exercise clothes while some of them were still taking a bath. I WON and I love this company already. *smooch*
I was just about to sit when a staff from Food & Beverage section offered me some delicious fried meatball-tofu to me. Food! Food! I love Commercial & Sales Department.
As I said before, people are not really doing serious stuff like meeting on Friday so Irfan and I just chit chat with some staff. Then there come Aviation & Cargo Section Head asking one of the staff and Irfan to go to the new terminal, T2, to do some inspections. In fact, I’ve always wanted for my turn to go directly with the staff of Retail Section to the terminals and do some inspection or control. So they were just leaving shortly after that and I found my self and some female colleagues in the room –some of the Muslim male colleagues were doing the Friday pray.
Fortunately, two staff of Food & Beverage Section suddenly asked me to join them going to T2 because there will be some inspection and control. *dancing*. I was just hoping couple hours ago and it came true already. We joined Irfan & the team and did some inspections there. I couldn’t be happier. 

By far, I'm so happy to do the internship at Angkasa Pura 1 and chose Commercial & Sales Department -and Retail Section to be specific.Yeah,It's surely just the beginning. It's too early to say that I've gained enough experiences. I've gained some and and I really look forward for the next great experience ahead!

"Experience is one thing you can't get nothing" -Oscar Wilde


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